Thursday, August 6, 2015

The price of methadone tripled: this weekend.

From Friday to Monday the wholesale cost per bottle tripled.

The last reasonably priced pain medicine is getting sucked into the hidden-hyper-inflationary vortex of the post "affordable health care act" "health care system." 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This whole cholesterol guideline shift has been a long time coming.  An admission that the numbers don't add up is really that.  Linus Pauling and colleagues suggested decades ago that LDL was a substitute for low antioxidants and that was the actual MOA of Statins benefit.
So many examples of where the pharmaceutical industry FDA marriage has got it wrong: Atenolol turned out to be BID after decades of QD dosing.  More...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

As a pharmacist I attempt to answer the phone with a succinct and friendly greeting.

"Thanks for calling, how can I help you?"

Yesterday morning my perky greeting was shouted down with a rapid fire staccato name of a person and medication.

I paused..."I am sorry...that was not a complete sentence...I don't can I help you?"

Loud crash of phone into its cradle.

I am still amazed after 20 years how rude people can be to those who attempt serve them.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ordering Vaccines

A pediatrician asked a pharmacist to order some vaccines....
Sounds like the start of a good joke.  But it is not.

The drug wholesaler's (and there are three) websites and search engines for finding products are almost useful.


Nearly all healthcare workers refer to the Measles Mumps Rubella vaccine as "MMR."
Yet a search for that drug in a prominent wholesaler order database comes up empty.  EM-TEE.

To order an MMR one has to enter "M-M-R II" as there is no boolean option, no list of common vaccines, no amazon style "other health care providers who shopped for vaccines bought..."

You just have to know.  Or spend a half hour on the phone to find out.  And then you know.
