Tuesday, April 7, 2015

This whole cholesterol guideline shift has been a long time coming.  An admission that the numbers don't add up is really that.  Linus Pauling and colleagues suggested decades ago that LDL was a substitute for low antioxidants and that was the actual MOA of Statins benefit.
So many examples of where the pharmaceutical industry FDA marriage has got it wrong: Atenolol turned out to be BID after decades of QD dosing.  More...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

As a pharmacist I attempt to answer the phone with a succinct and friendly greeting.

"Thanks for calling, how can I help you?"

Yesterday morning my perky greeting was shouted down with a rapid fire staccato name of a person and medication.

I paused..."I am sorry...that was not a complete sentence...I don't understand...how can I help you?"

Loud crash of phone into its cradle.

I am still amazed after 20 years how rude people can be to those who attempt serve them.